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How to Start a Patio Garden: Where I'm Starting

Living in an apartment doesn't mean you can't enjoy the pleasures of gardening. In fact, with a little creativity, you can turn your small balcony or patio into a lush and inviting garden oasis. Not only will it add beauty to your outdoor space, but it can also provide fresh herbs and vegetables for your cooking. Here are some tips to get you started, as I too start my patio oasis!

Assess your space:

Before you begin, take a look at your patio and figure out what kind of plants will thrive there. Consider the amount of sunlight your patio receives, the type of soil, and the amount of space available. This will help you choose the right plants and containers for your space. Another huge tip is to know the weight limits in which your patio can handle. You can find out by reaching out to your apartment manager or check out your apartment's website if applicable.

Choose your plants:

Depending on the amount of sunlight and space available, you can choose from a variety of plants, such as herbs, vegetables, flowers, succulents, or even small trees. Consider choosing plants that are easy to care for and grow well in containers, such as cherry tomatoes, basil, mint, or lavender. In my case my patio is not facing the south, it's more of a northeast facing patio. Which means the plants I choose are shade tolerant and prefer less light. If you too have a shaded patio with minimal light opt for leafy greens and herbs. I plan to write a follow up blog around shaded gardening.

Side note: Grow Flowers!

Since my garden is predominately shaded, I plan to still grow flowers that can tolerate shade such as Alyssums, and Dianthus. Pollination is an important part of having a garden that can produce quality harvest.

Select containers:

There are many types of containers you can use for your patio garden, from traditional clay pots to recycled containers. Consider the style of your patio and the plants you want to grow when choosing containers. Be sure to choose containers with drainage holes to avoid waterlogged soil. For my garden I have a mixture of plastic, metal, and clay. All different depths and sizes due to the various plants I plan to grow.

Add soil and compost:

Choose a high-quality potting mix for your plants and mix it with some compost for added nutrients. This will help your plants thrive and grow well in containers. I bought a specific soil dedicated to container gardening and a soil conditioner for my plants that are already established and needed some TLC.

Water regularly:

Plants in containers need more frequent watering than those in the ground. Check the soil moisture level regularly and water when it feels dry to the touch. Be careful not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot.

Decorate your space:

Add some decorative elements to your patio garden, such as garden statues, wind chimes, or hanging baskets. This will add personality and charm to your outdoor space. For my space I wanted something that I could sit and drink my tea and share the lush space with others. I also added and am still waiting for the rest of my grass carpet that is made for outside use. The next blog post I will share all he list of products and soil I used to create this garden patio.

By following these tips, you can create your own apartment patio garden oasis, and enjoy the benefits of gardening even in a small space. Not only will it add beauty to your outdoor space, but it can also provide fresh herbs and vegetables for your cooking. Get started today and enjoy the pleasures of gardening right at home.


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